Basic guidelines for firearm transferring inbound from out of state are below:
*Transfers only accepted from other FFL holders (some exemptions available)
The following information is required for inbound transfers:
1. Your name and contact information
2. Brief description of what is transferring make, model, caliber. also helpful would be invoice number, auction number and or transaction number
3. The out of state FFL's name and contact information to include phone number, fax number and email.
Once this information is provided, a copy of our FFL with the corresponding information will be sent to the out of state FFL.
When the firearm is delivered to our premises arrangements will be made for pick-up.
To take possession will require the following:
1. Government issued identification showing a Georgia current physical address (no PO box)
2. Inbound transfer fee
20.00 for CCW holders
30.00 for non-CCW holders
10.00 For each additional firearm transferred at the same time
additional fees for multiple firearms and NFA weapons.
3. Minimum 18 years of age for rifles, minimum 21 years of age for handguns.
4. FBI NICS 4473 form to be completed.
Basic guidelines for firearm transferring out of state:
Firearms will only be shipped out to FFL holder and were not prohibited.
(will not ship firearms to California.)
The following information required for outbound transfers:
1. The firearm transferring out of state will need to logged into our possession.
2. A copy of customers Georgia government issued identity to be filed.
3. A signed copy of the out of state FFL holders license needs to be on file prior to shipping out firearms.
4. Name and contact information of the out of state FFL holder
Once this information is provided:
1. The customer will be required to provide proper suitable means of shipping a firearm. additional fees will be applied if packaging supplies and packing services are needed.
2. Firearms will be shipped out through our UPS/USPS/FedEx account, actual shipping and insurance fees will be due prior to shipping.
3. Outbound transfer fee
additional fees for multiple firearms and NFA weapons.
4. A signed copy of our FFL will be sent with the firearm.